We can notice this tendency before making an important decision or doing something for the first time, when a tiny voice inside our head says: “You can’t do that.” Moments of self-doubt are a normal part of life, but indulging the inner critic can become a habit that paralyzes us, sometimes leading to fear, depression, and anxiety.A little daily mindfulness practice interrupts the mental habit of self-doubt, according to research. It allows you to recognize that voice for what it really is—simply a thought, not a fact. Here are three ways to soothe your inner critic through kindness.

3 Ways to Be Kind to Your Inner Critic

3 Ways to Be Kind to Your Inner Critic

3 Ways to Be Kind to Your Inner Critic




Elaine Smookler January 16, 2023

Rick Hanson December 10, 2014

Bob Stahl April 19, 2016